I’m a hunk a hunk a BURNIN OUT! Navigating the “Exhaustion Epidemic”

What the @#$% is Burnout:

Burnout is a state of chronic stress that manifests as a deep sense of exhaustion, cynicism, and reduced effectiveness. It is often the result of prolonged exposure to chronic stress and an imbalance between the demands placed upon you in today’s fast-paced world and the resources available to meet those demands. It affects everyone, regardless of their profession or lifestyle. Factors contributing to burnout include overwhelming workloads, lack of control, insufficient support, unclear expectations, and a misalignment between personal values and work culture.


Some common signs include chronic fatigue, frequent illnesses, irritability, decreased motivation, cynicism, detachment from work or relationships, and a decline in overall performance. Don’t ignore these signs!

Preventing Burnout:

Once you recognize the early warning signs of burnout you can begin to take proactive measures rather than be reactive and spin further out of control (that’s the goal anyways).

The most common piece of advice is to prioritize self-care, but this may exacerbate symptoms of burn out more as you wonder, "when will I have time for self-care?!”

What do we mean by self care and how can you achieve self care without spinning further down a rabbit hole of doom?

  • Make self-care a priority: Establish healthy habits that don’t require a huge commitment, such as exercises to get the heartbeat elevated (jumping jacks, skipping roper, 10 sun salutations, high knees, etc), sufficient sleep, a bath, leisurely bike ride in the hood, massage, and eat a balanced diet or shove some kale in your mouth every now and then.

  • Engage in activities that bring you joy and relaxation: Activities like your favorite hobbies (scrolling on social media doesn’t count), spending time with loved ones, or practicing mindfulness, gratitude and meditation (we’re talking 5- 10 mins here). These practices will help you cultivate a positive mindset and slowly develop resilience. 

  • Set boundaries: The ‘Just Say No’ campaign will come in more handy when you’re establishing clear boundaries between work and personal life than when someone offers you a micro dose or edible. Avoid bringing work-related stress into your leisure time and create dedicated spaces for rest and rejuvenation.

  • Practice effective time management: Break down tasks into manageable chunks and prioritize them based on importance and urgency. Delegate or seek help when necessary. Avoid overcommitting and spreading yourself too thin (remember ‘just say no’). Make lists for everything, crossing shit off your list feels so good!

  • Seek support: Build a strong support system of friends, family, or colleagues with whom you can share your feelings and concerns. Seek professional help if needed, psychotherapy provides bountiful benefits (check out our blog post on benefits of psychotherapy: “Psychotherapy, qu’est -ce que c’est”?).

  • Take time off: This is an important one! Work will always be there, taking a break from work can help you recharge and regain perspective. Use this time to engage in activities that bring you joy and provide mental and emotional rejuvenation (see first 2 bullets)

  • Reevaluate priorities: Reflect on your goals and values, both personally and professionally. Identify areas where you can make positive changes, whether it's adjusting your workload, pursuing new opportunities, or realigning your career path. It’s never too late to make a change, we are adaptable beings who thrive in positive environments so let's nurture that.

  • Practice self-compassion: Be kind to yourself and acknowledge that burnout is not a sign of weakness but a consequence of excessive stress. Treat yourself with compassion and practice self-forgiveness.

Always remember, prioritizing self-care, setting boundaries, and seeking support are not signs of weakness but acts of self-preservation. By nurturing your well-being and actively managing stress, you can safeguard yourself from the perils of burnout and thrive in a healthier, more balanced, and more fulfilling life.


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