Frequently Asked Questions

  • New Client Consultation : Free

    50 min Individual session : $185

    50 min Relationship session : $257

    75 min Individual session : $278

    75 min Relationship session: $385

  • Clients will need to check with their extended health benefits plan. Once this is confirmed, we will happily provide you with an invoice upon payment to submit to your insurance provider.

  • Late cancellations within 24 hours or no-shows, will be charged 100% of the fee.

  • We use an online booking and video system called JANE. Prior to your appointment, clients will receive a reminder email, and be able to log in directly from any device to join the call. JANE is secure and complies with the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents ACT (PIPEDA)

  • As counselors, it is our ethical duty to maintain the privacy and confidentiality of our clients and any and all information that is discussed in sessions. We abide by the professional ethical standards outlined by the BC Association of Clinical Counselors and as such, it is also our duty to protect our clients and the public from harm and to serve the court.

  • Our clients do not need a doctor’s referral to work with us; however, some extended health benefits plans may require a doctor’s note recommending counseling to be able to submit the cost. Please refer to your insurance provider for more details.